Phrase Explanation: Don’t Be Such A Baby

When someone says, “Don’t be such a baby,” they are telling the other person to stop behaving in a way they think is immature or overly sensitive. It’s similar to saying “stop being childish” or “grow up.”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
John was making a fuss about losing a game, so Sarah told him, “Don’t be such a baby.”

Example 2:
Alex was complaining about having to do his chores, so his sister said, “Don’t be such a baby, Alex.”

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Mike: Emma, this movie is too scary. Can we watch something else?
Emma: Mike, don’t be such a baby. It’s just a movie.

Example 4:
Lisa: Ben, I can’t believe you won’t try the roller coaster.
Ben: I don’t like heights, Lisa.
Lisa: Oh, Ben, don’t be such a baby.

In summary, the phrase “Don’t be such a baby” is used to tell someone to stop behaving in a way that seems immature or overly sensitive. It’s a way to encourage someone to act more grown-up or brave.

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