It’s The First Step That Counts

A simpler way to express this idea could be “starting is the most important part” or “the beginning matters the most.” When we say…

Phrase Explanation: Money Talks

A simpler way to say this could be “wealth influences” or “money has power.” When we use the phrase “money talks,” we mean…

Phrase Explanation: Safe And Sound

A simpler version of this phrase could be “unharmed” or “safe.” When we say that someone or something is “safe and sound,”…

Phrase Explanation: I Can’t Tell

The phrase “I can’t tell” is commonly used when a person is unsure or unable to discern or differentiate something. It’s akin to…

Phrase Explanation: Not Likely

The phrase “not likely” is often used to express a strong doubt or disbelief in the possibility of something. It’s similar to saying,…