Phrase Explanation: You’ve Gone Too Far

When we say “You’ve gone too far“, we’re essentially telling someone that they’ve exceeded a limit, crossed a boundary, or done something beyond what is acceptable or appropriate. It means that the person’s actions or words are seen as excessive or inappropriate.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
After James pranked his sister by painting her room while she was out, she stormed in and yelled, “You’ve gone too far this time, James!”

Example 2:
When the class clown interrupted the teacher for the fifth time in one class, the teacher finally said, “Enough! You’ve gone too far today.”

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Emily: Can you believe he spread those rumors about me at school?
Jenny: Oh no, Emily, he’s definitely gone too far this time.

Example 4:
Ben: I think I upset Sarah by joking about her new haircut.
Rob: Yeah, Ben, you’ve gone too far. You should apologize to her.

So, the phrase “You’ve gone too far” is a way of telling someone that their actions or words have crossed a line or limit, often causing offense or distress. It’s a reminder that it’s important to be aware of and respect other people’s feelings and boundaries.

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