Phrase Explanation: You Have My Word

When someone says, “You have my word,” it means they are promising to do what they have said. It’s another way of saying “I promise” or “I guarantee it.”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
John told his sister, “You have my word, I’ll pick you up after the concert.”

Example 2:
Sarah assured her team, “You have my word that I will finish the report by tomorrow.”

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Mike: Emma, will you really help me with my project?
Emma: Mike, you have my word. We’ll start working on it after school.

Example 4:
Lisa: Ben, can I trust you to take care of my pet while I’m away?
Ben: Lisa, you have my word. I’ll take good care of your pet.

In summary, the phrase “You have my word” is used when someone wants to assure others that they will fulfill their promise. It indicates sincerity, commitment, and a strong intention to keep one’s word.

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