Phrase Explanation: We’re Out Of Time

When someone says, “We’re out of time“, it means that there is no more time left to do something. It’s similar to saying “Time’s up” or “There’s no more time.”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
As the clock struck midnight, John turned to his team and said, “We’re out of time, we need to submit our project now.”

Example 2:
Sarah saw the last few seconds ticking away during her exam and realized, “We’re out of time.”

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Mike: Emma, can we add more information to our report?
Emma: No, Mike, we’re out of time. We need to hand it in.

Example 4:
Lisa: Ben, should we check the map again?
Ben: No, Lisa, we’re out of time. We need to make a decision now.

So, when you say “We’re out of time,” you’re expressing that there is no more time left to do something. It’s a way of stating that a deadline has been reached or that an activity needs to end.

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