Phrase Explanation: We Broke Up

When someone says, “We broke up,” they are expressing that they and their romantic partner have ended their relationship. It’s similar to saying “we separated” or “we’re not together anymore.”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
After months of arguing and tension, John finally told his friends, “We broke up.”

Example 2:
Sarah was quiet at lunch, and when her friends asked her about Alex, she said, “We broke up.”

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Mike: Hey, Emma! I haven’t seen you with Lisa lately. Is everything alright?
Emma: Mike, Lisa and I… we broke up.

Example 4:
Ben: Hi, Sam! How’s things going with you and Tina?
Sam: Not so good, Ben. Tina and I, we broke up.

In summary, the phrase “We broke up” is used when someone wants to convey that they and their partner have ended their romantic relationship. It’s a direct way of saying that they are no longer together.

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