Phrase Explanation: Time Flies

The phrase “time flies” means that time passes quickly, especially when you’re busy or enjoying yourself. It’s like saying “time goes by fast” or “time moves quickly”.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
While working on his favorite project, John realized how time flies and it was already evening.

Example 2:
When they were at the amusement park, the children didn’t realize how time flies, and it was soon time to go home.

Here are two examples in conversation:

Example 3:
Paul: Do you realize we’ve been talking for three hours?
Jane: Wow, time flies when you’re having fun!

Example 4:
Lucy: It’s already December! I can’t believe it.
Mark: I know, time flies.

So, when someone says “time flies“, they’re expressing how quickly time seems to pass, often because they’re engaged in something that’s absorbing their attention or they’re enjoying what they’re doing. It’s a common phrase used to comment on the swift passage of time.

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