Phrase Explanation: Takes One to Know One

The phrase “takes one to know one” is a classic English idiom. It is often used as a retort or comeback, implying that the person making a critical observation or judgment is guilty of the same thing they are criticizing. Essentially, it suggests that you have to be familiar with a certain behavior or characteristic to be able to identify it in others.

Here are a few examples in sentences:

  1. John: “You’re always procrastinating on your work.” Lisa: “Well, it takes one to know one!”
  2. “He called me a cheater, but it takes one to know one.”

It’s worth noting that the phrase is often used in a somewhat playful or sarcastic context and may not always imply serious accusations.

In summary, “takes one to know one” is a response to someone who has accused you of something, and you feel they are guilty of the same thing. It’s a way of turning their criticism back on them.

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