Phrase Explanation: Serves You Right

When we say, “Serves you right“, it means that the person got what they deserved, usually as a result of something negative they did. It’s similar to saying “That’s what you get” or “You had it coming.”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
When John got a speeding ticket after frequently driving too fast, his sister said, “Serves you right. You should always follow the speed limit.”

Example 2:
When Sarah ate too much candy and got a stomachache, her mom told her, “Serves you right. You should have listened when I said not to eat so much.”

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Mike: Emma, I didn’t study for the test and I failed.
Emma: Well, Mike, serves you right. You should have prepared.

Example 4:
Lisa: Sarah, I teased the cat and it scratched me.
Sarah: That serves you right, Lisa. You should be kind to animals.

So, when you say, “Serves you right,” you’re saying that someone got what was coming to them, especially as a result of their actions. It’s a way of saying that they deserved what happened.

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