Phrase Explanation: See Eye to Eye

When we say two people “see eye to eye“, we mean that they agree on something or have the same opinion. It’s like two people looking directly into each other’s eyes, showing that they are on the same level or understanding.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
Despite their differences, the two politicians managed to see eye to eye on the environmental policy.

Example 2:
As childhood friends, Maria and Lisa often see eye to eye on many things, including their love for animals.

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
John: Hi, Karen! How’s the team project going?
Karen: Great, John! We all see eye to eye on the objectives and the approach.

Example 4:
Tom: Hey, Susan! I heard you and your brother are planning a surprise party for your mom.
Susan: Yes, Tom, and we see eye to eye on all the arrangements.

Remember, when people “see eye to eye“, they agree with each other or share the same perspective or opinion. It’s a way of expressing agreement or shared understanding between individuals.

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