Phrase Explanation: Out of The Question

When we say something is “out of the question”, it’s similar to declaring “it’s not possible” or “it’s not allowed”. This phrase is often used when you want to indicate that something is not open to discussion or negotiation; it’s absolutely not happening.

Let’s look at this phrase in some example sentences:

Example 1:
Because of the heavy snow, going to the park today is “out of the question”.

Example 2:
Borrowing my brand-new car for your road trip is “out of the question”.

Now, let’s see how this phrase can be used in dialogues:

Example 3:
Lisa: Can I stay up late to watch the movie?
Mom: No, Lisa. You have school tomorrow, so staying up late is “out of the question”.

Example 4:
Alex: Do you think we can squeeze in another project this week?
Manager: Absolutely not, Alex. With our current workload, another project is “out of the question”.

So, when someone says something is “out of the question”, they’re expressing that a certain idea, suggestion, or possibility is completely excluded or prohibited.

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