Phrase Explanation: Mark My Words

The phrase “Mark my words” is a way of emphasizing that what the speaker is saying is important and should be remembered. It’s similar to saying, “Listen carefully to what I’m saying,” or “Remember what I’m telling you.”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
Mark my words, if we don’t take action on climate change now, we’ll face severe consequences in the future.”

Example 2:
Mark my words, she will become a successful artist one day with her talent.”

And here are two examples in conversation:

Example 3:
John: I don’t think we need to study for the test, it seems easy.
Maria: Mark my words, John. It’s going to be tougher than you think.

Example 4:
Leo: I can’t see our team winning the championship.
Amy: Mark my words, Leo. They’ve been practicing harder than ever.

When someone says “Mark my words,” they’re usually very confident about what they’re predicting or advising. They believe strongly in what they’re saying, and they want others to remember it.

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