The saying “love is blind” means that when people are in love, they often ignore or overlook the faults or flaws of the person they love. It’s like saying “When you love someone, you can’t see their imperfections”. This phrase often explains why people in love make choices that others might not understand or agree with.
Here are two examples in sentences:
Example 1:
Despite his friends pointing out his girlfriend’s selfish behavior, Tom couldn’t see it because “love is blind“.
Example 2:
Sarah knew that her boyfriend was not perfect, but she loved him anyway because “love is blind“.
Here are two examples in conversation:
Example 3:
Lisa: I don’t understand why Jane is with Mark. He’s so irresponsible.
Susan: Well, you know what they say, Lisa, “love is blind“.
Example 4:
Mike: I can’t believe Rose is dating that guy. He’s so arrogant!
John: Well, Mike, “love is blind“. Rose probably doesn’t see that side of him.
So, when someone uses the phrase “love is blind,” they’re suggesting that love can make us overlook the faults, imperfections, or shortcomings of the person we love. Love can cloud our judgment and affect our ability to see things clearly.