When we tell someone to “keep me posted,” we’re asking them to keep us informed or updated about a certain situation or event. It’s like saying, “Let me know what happens” or “Keep telling me the latest news.”
Here are two examples in sentences:
Example 1:
“The doctor asked the patient’s family to keep him posted about any changes in her condition.”
Example 2:
“Mary told her friend, ‘Keep me posted about your job interview. I’m excited to hear how it goes!'”
Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:
Example 3:
John: I’m going to ask Sarah out on a date.
Mike: Really? Keep me posted, mate!
Example 4:
Emma: I’m applying for a scholarship for the next academic year.
Sophia: That’s great, Emma. Keep me posted!
So, when you say “keep me posted,” you’re asking someone to keep updating you about something that’s going on. You’re interested in hearing about any new developments or changes.