It’s The First Step That Counts

A simpler way to express this idea could be “starting is the most important part” or “the beginning matters the most.”

When we say “it’s the first step that counts,” we mean that beginning something, no matter how small or insignificant the action might seem, is often the most crucial part. It’s the action of starting that puts us on the path towards achieving our goals or completing our tasks.

Let’s use it in a couple of sentences:

Example 1:
Despite feeling nervous about learning to play the piano, Jenny reminded herself that it’s the first step that counts, and she began her first lesson.

Example 2:
Adam had always wanted to write a book, and he realized that it’s the first step that counts, so he started writing the first chapter.

Now, let’s see this phrase in a conversation:

Example 3:
Laura: “I’ve always wanted to learn how to paint, but it seems so overwhelming.”
Emma: “Just remember, it’s the first step that counts. Why don’t you start by taking a beginner’s class?”

Example 4:
Mark: “I’d love to run a marathon, but I can hardly run a mile.”
Tom: “Well, it’s the first step that counts, Mark. Maybe you can start by running a little bit each day.”

So, when you hear the phrase “it’s the first step that counts,” it’s an encouragement to take the first action towards your goal, because starting is often the most significant part of any journey.

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