Phrase Explanation: It’s Not Rocket Science

When someone says, “It’s not rocket science“, they mean that something isn’t as difficult or complicated as it seems. It’s a way of saying that something is easy to understand or do.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
“Come on, Sarah, it’s not rocket science,” her friend said when she was struggling to set up her new phone.

Example 2:
“Assembling this furniture is not rocket science,” Mike told his roommate.

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Emma: Hi, Tom! I’m having trouble with this math problem.
Tom: Let me see it, Emma. Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science.

Example 4:
Lucy: Hey, John! I can’t figure out how to use this app.
John: Lucy, it’s not rocket science. Just follow the instructions on the screen.

Remember, when someone says “It’s not rocket science“, they’re trying to assure you that a task or a problem is not as hard or complicated as you might think. It’s a way to encourage someone to have confidence and try to understand or do something.

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