Phrase Explanation: I’m All Set

When someone says, “I’m all set,” it’s another way of saying, “I’m ready,” or “I have everything I need.”

Let’s explore this phrase with two sentence examples:

Example 1:
“After packing his suitcase and checking his flight details, Ben said, ‘I’m all set for my trip to Paris!'”

Example 2:
“Mary checked the recipe one more time, then looked at the ingredients she had prepared and said, ‘I’m all set to start baking.'”

Now, let’s see this phrase in two conversation examples:

Example 3:
Laura: “Joe, have you finished your project for the science fair?”
Joe: “Yes, Laura, I’m all set. I just need to present it tomorrow.”

Example 4:
Mike: “Jenny, are you ready to leave for the concert?”
Jenny: “Yes, Mike, I’m all set. Let’s go!”

So, when someone says, “I’m all set,” they mean that they are fully prepared or ready for something. It’s a casual way to communicate readiness or completion of preparation.

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