When someone says, “I’m a night owl,” it means they prefer staying awake and being active during the night rather than during the day. It’s another way of saying “I’m more productive or energetic at night” or “I like to stay up late.”
Here are two examples in sentences:
Example 1:
John prefers to work late into the night rather than early in the morning. He often says, “I’m a night owl.”
Example 2:
Sarah enjoys staying up late reading books or watching movies. She says, “I’m a night owl.”
Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:
Example 3:
Mike: Hey, Emma! Why are you always awake when I call late at night?
Emma: Well, Mike, I’m a night owl. I enjoy staying up late.
Example 4:
Lisa: Hi, Ben! I noticed you’re always online late at night. What’s up with that?
Ben: I’ve always been that way, Lisa. I’m a night owl.
In summary, the phrase “I’m a night owl” is used when someone prefers to be awake and active during the night. It’s a way to express that they like to stay up late and might be more productive during nighttime.