Phrase Explanation: I Wasn’t Born Yesterday

The phrase “I wasn’t born yesterday” is a colloquial expression used to indicate that the speaker is not naive or easily fooled. It’s another way of saying “I’m not easily deceived” or “I’m not new to this”.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
When the car salesman tried to convince her that the overpriced car was a great deal, Jane retorted, “I wasn’t born yesterday,” to show that she recognized the car was not worth the asking price.

Example 2:
When his friend tried to convince him that he could double his money in a week through a new investment, John replied, “I wasn’t born yesterday,” showing his skepticism about the too-good-to-be-true offer.

Here’s how it can be used in conversation:

Example 3:
Bob: Trust me, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You just have to give me all your savings.
Alice: I wasn’t born yesterday, Bob. I’m not falling for that.

Example 4:
Steve: I swear, I didn’t eat your last slice of pizza. It must’ve been the dog.
Jenny: Steve, I wasn’t born yesterday. Dogs don’t eat pizza.

So, when someone says “I wasn’t born yesterday“, they are asserting their savvy and experience, indicating they cannot be easily fooled or manipulated.

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