When someone says “I was just daydreaming“, it means they were lost in their thoughts or imagination. It’s like saying, “I was lost in thought” or “I was fantasizing”. This phrase is often used when someone is caught being distracted or not paying attention to their surroundings because they are absorbed in their own thoughts or ideas.
Here are two examples in sentences:
Example 1:
During the lecture, when the teacher called on him, John startled and confessed, “I was just daydreaming“, admitting he wasn’t paying attention.
Example 2:
Maria sat quietly on the park bench with a smile on her face. When her friend asked why she was smiling, she replied, “I was just daydreaming” about her upcoming vacation.
Here are two examples in conversation:
Example 3:
Emma: You seemed distant when I was explaining the rules of the game.
Jake: I’m sorry, I was just daydreaming.
Example 4:
Lucy: You haven’t heard a word I said, have you?
Mark: Oops, sorry Lucy, I was just daydreaming.
So, when someone says “I was just daydreaming“, it’s an admission that they were immersed in their thoughts and possibly not paying attention to what was happening around them.