Phrase Explanation: I Lost My Train of Thought

When someone says, “I lost my train of thought“, they mean that they’ve forgotten what they were just thinking or saying. It’s like their thoughts were a train on a track, but they lost track of where the train was going.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
“Sorry, I lost my train of thought,” Sarah said, as she tried to remember the point she was making in her presentation.

Example 2:
During the interview, Mike lost his train of thought and had to pause for a moment to gather his ideas again.

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Emma: Hi, Tom! You were saying something about your weekend trip?
Tom: Yes, Emma, it was really fun. We went to… Oh, wait, I lost my train of thought.

Example 4:
Lucy: Hey, John! Tell me more about the book you’re reading.
John: Well, it’s about this explorer who… Sorry, Lucy, I lost my train of thought.

So, when someone says “I lost my train of thought“, they’re saying that they’ve momentarily forgotten what they were saying or thinking. It’s a common phrase people use when they get distracted or lose focus during a conversation.

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