Phrase Explanation: I Insist

When someone says, “I insist“, they’re firmly offering or suggesting something. It’s like saying they really want you to accept their offer, request, or suggestion.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
“I insist that you take the last piece of cake,” Sarah told her friend at the party.

Example 2:
“I insist that you let me help with the project,” Mike told his colleague.

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Emma: Hi, Tom! I can walk home by myself.
Tom: It’s late, Emma, I insist on giving you a lift home.

Example 4:
Lucy: Hey, John! I can pay for my coffee.
John: No need, Lucy. I invited you, so I insist on paying.

Remember, when someone says “I insist“, they’re strongly suggesting or offering something. It’s a polite way to show that they genuinely want to help, contribute, or make you feel comfortable.

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