When someone advises you to “go with the flow”, they’re suggesting you should move along with the current situation without resisting it. It’s a bit like saying “just relax and let things happen naturally” or “follow what’s happening around you without fighting it.”
Here are two examples in sentences:
Example 1:
Even though Laura didn’t like the idea of camping, she decided to “go with the flow” and join her friends for the weekend.
Example 2:
When the meeting agenda changed at the last minute, Paul decided to “go with the flow” and adapt to the new topics.
Here are examples in a conversation:
Example 3:
Amy: I’m really stressed about this surprise party.
Mark: Amy, just “go with the flow”. You can’t control everything, just enjoy the moment.
Example 4:
Steve: The traffic is terrible, we might miss the start of the game.
Bella: Let’s just “go with the flow”, Steve. We can’t change the traffic, but we can still enjoy the game whenever we arrive.
So, when someone suggests you should “go with the flow,” they are advising you to be flexible and adapt to the circumstances as they happen. It’s a useful piece of advice when dealing with unexpected situations, helping you stay calm and not to stress over things you can’t control.