Phrase Explanation: Fire Away

When someone says “fire away“, it means they’re ready to hear what you have to say, or they’re prepared to answer your questions. This phrase essentially gives the other person the green light to start speaking or asking their questions. It’s like saying, “Go ahead” or “I’m ready to listen”.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
During the meeting, when it was time for the Q&A session, the CEO told the audience, “Fire away“, indicating he was ready to answer their questions.

Example 2:
When Sarah finally had a moment to talk to her busy friend, her friend looked at her and said, “Fire away“, showing she was ready to listen to whatever Sarah wanted to talk about.

Here are two examples in conversation:

Example 3:
Jack: Can I ask you a few questions about your project?
Amy: Sure, fire away.

Example 4:
David: I need some advice.
Sophie: Of course, fire away.

So, when someone says “fire away“, they’re showing readiness and openness to listen or respond. It’s a way to show that the person is ready to engage in conversation or discussion.

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