Phrase Explanation: Fancy Meeting You Here

When someone says, “Fancy meeting you here“, they’re expressing surprise at unexpectedly running into you in that particular place. It’s like saying they’re surprised to see you because they weren’t expecting to meet you there.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1: “Fancy meeting you here,” Sarah said when she bumped into her friend at the supermarket.

Example 2: Mike exclaimed, “Fancy meeting you here!” when he ran into his old college buddy at a concert.

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Emma: Hi, Tom! Fancy meeting you here at this coffee shop.
Tom: Oh, Emma! I didn’t expect to see you here. It’s a pleasant surprise!

Example 4:
Lucy: Hey, John! Fancy meeting you here in this bookstore.
John: Hi, Lucy! What a surprise! I didn’t know you loved reading too.

So, when someone says “Fancy meeting you here“, they’re showing surprise at unexpectedly seeing you in that specific place. It’s a casual, friendly way to acknowledge an unexpected encounter.

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