Phrase Explanation: Don’t Push Me!

The phrase “don’t push me!” is an informal way to ask someone not to pressure or rush you. It’s similar to saying “don’t rush me” or “don’t force me”. This phrase is often used when someone feels that they are being pressured to do something too quickly or to make a decision that they are not ready to make.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
When my mom kept asking me about my plans for college, I finally had to tell her, “don’t push me!” because I wasn’t ready to make a decision yet.

Example 2:
I was still considering the job offer, so when my friend kept asking me if I had accepted it, I said, “don’t push me!”

Here are examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Amy: Are you going to ask her out?
John: I don’t know yet, Amy. Please, “don’t push me!”

Example 4:
Bill: You should definitely buy that car.
Alice: I’m still thinking about it, Bill. “Don’t push me!”

So, when someone says “don’t push me!”, they’re asking for more time or space to think about something, or expressing their frustration at feeling pressured or rushed.

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