Phrase Explanation: Don’t Let Me Down

The phrase “Don’t let me down” is often used when someone is depending on another person to do something and they’re expressing their hope that the other person won’t disappoint them. It’s a way of saying, “Please do not fail or disappoint me.”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
Before the big game, the coach looked at his team and said, “Don’t let me down,” hoping they would play their best.

Example 2:
As she handed over the keys to her car to her teenage son, she said, “Don’t let me down,” implying she trusted him to take care of the car and drive safely.

Here are two examples in conversation:

Example 3:
Sarah: I’m leaving you in charge while I’m away.
James: I understand, Sarah.
Sarah: Don’t let me down, James.

Example 4:
Teacher: Peter, can you take responsibility for the class project?
Peter: Yes, I can.
Teacher: Good, don’t let me down.

So, when someone says “Don’t let me down,” they are expressing their hope and trust in another person not to disappoint them, especially in situations where there are expectations or obligations to be met.

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