Phrase Explanation: Be That As It May

When we say “be that as it may”, it means we acknowledge the facts someone has stated but it does not change our opinion or the situation. It’s like saying “despite that” or “even so”.

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
I understand that the film has received positive reviews; “be that as it may”, I found it quite boring and predictable.

Example 2:
He said he had forgotten about our meeting. “Be that as it may”, it was still inconsiderate of him not to show up.

Here are examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Mike: They said the project would be easy.
Anna: “Be that as it may”, we are still struggling to finish it on time.

Example 4:
Sarah: Jack said he didn’t mean to hurt my feelings.
Emily: “Be that as it may”, he should have thought about that before he said those things.

So, when someone says “be that as it may”, they are acknowledging a point made by someone else but indicating that it does not change their own position or the current situation.

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