Phrase Explanation: And Last But Not Least

When we say “and last but not least“, we are introducing the final item in a list but want to make sure that it is not considered less important just because it’s mentioned last. It’s like saying, “And finally, but just as important is…”

Here are two examples in sentences:

Example 1:
“And last but not least, our dessert for tonight is a homemade apple pie.”

Example 2:
“In our school play, and last but not least, Sam will play the part of the brave prince.”

Now, let’s see two examples in a conversation:

Example 3:
Teacher: We have covered most of the topics for our exam. And last but not least, we will review the chapter on Photosynthesis.
Student: Thank you, Teacher. I need to revise that chapter.

Example 4:
Tour Guide: We’ve visited the main attractions in the city. And last but not least, we’ll go to the old town, one of the most historical places here.
Tourist: Sounds exciting! I’ve been looking forward to it.

So, when we say “and last but not least,” we’re introducing the final item, person, or point, emphasizing that it is equally significant, even though it’s mentioned last. It’s a phrase used to ensure that the final thing mentioned does not feel any less important.

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