Phrase Explanation: A Lie Has No Legs

This phrase can be simpler as “lies cannot stand” or “truth always reveals.”

When we say “a lie has no legs,” we mean that deceit or dishonesty can’t go far. Eventually, the truth will come out, and the lie will be revealed. This is based on the idea that lies, unlike truth, lack the “support” or “stability” to stand on their own for a long time.

Here are some examples in sentences:

Example 1:
He realized that a lie has no legs when his made-up story about his work experience was exposed during the job interview.

Example 2:
She found out that a lie has no legs when her friend discovered she had not been honest about her whereabouts the previous night.

Now, let’s look at how this phrase can be used in conversations:

Example 3:
Tim: Sarah, I lied about finishing my homework.
Sarah: Tim, remember, a lie has no legs. You should always tell the truth.

Example 4:
John: I’m thinking about making up a story for why I was late.
Emma: John, a lie has no legs. It’s better to be honest about your reasons.

Remember, the phrase “a lie has no legs” is a reminder that honesty is always the best policy. Lies may provide temporary relief, but they cannot stand for long. Truth always finds a way to reveal itself.

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