Explore 17 Vibrant Ways to Express Agreement in English

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Who doesn’t love a good chat, a lively debate, or a brain-stimulating discussion? These social interactions are part of what makes us human. But what’s the key to a successful conversation? It’s not just about sharing your thoughts, but also showing agreement where it’s due. And just saying “I agree” can sometimes feel repetitive and dull, don’t you think? Learning different ways to express agreement in English can add color and vibrancy to our conversations, making them more engaging and meaningful.

To enrich your conversational skills, here are 17 popular and commonly used phrases to express agreement in English:

1. Exactly – when you completely agree with someone.
Example: You’re exactly right about climate change.

2. You took the words right out of my mouth – someone has said exactly what you were thinking.
Example: You took the words right out of my mouth, we need to invest in renewable energy.

3. You’re on the mark – the person is correct or accurate.
Example: You’re on the mark about the need for more public libraries.

4. I couldn’t agree more – you completely agree with someone.
Example: I couldn’t agree more, education is a basic right for everyone.

5. That’s so true – you think something is correct or accurate.
Example: That’s so true, we should all be kind to each other.

6. You hit the nail on the head – someone has described the situation precisely.
Example: You hit the nail on the head when you said that our team needs better communication.

7. I was just going to say that – someone else has expressed what you were about to say.
Example: I was just going to say that we need more innovative solutions.

8. Absolutely – used for agreeing strongly with someone.
Example: Absolutely, we must stand against inequality.

9. I’m with you 100% – you completely agree with someone’s opinion or decision.
Example: I’m with you 100% on promoting sustainability.

10. No doubt about it – there’s no question that what the person is saying is correct.
Example: No doubt about it, we need stricter laws for environmental protection.

11. I have to side with you on this – you agree with someone’s perspective or opinion.
Example: I have to side with you on this, mental health is as important as physical health.

12. That’s exactly how I see it – someone’s viewpoint matches yours perfectly.
Example: That’s exactly how I see it, we should all contribute to charity.

13. You’re spot on – what the person is saying is completely correct or accurate.
Example: You’re spot on, we must foster a culture of respect and tolerance.

14. Couldn’t have put it better myself – someone has expressed something in the best possible way.
Example: Couldn’t have put it better myself, diversity enriches our society.

15. I’m totally with you – you completely agree with someone’s point of view.
Example: I’m totally with you, we need to prioritize mental well-being.

16. I second that – you support what someone has just said or proposed.
Example: I second that, let’s organize a community cleanup.

17. That’s a fair point – you agree that what the person is saying is reasonable or valid.
Example: That’s a fair point, we need to balance economic growth with environmental conservation.

Learning these phrases can take your English conversational skills to the next level. You’ll be able to express your agreement in diverse and engaging ways, thus making your conversations more engaging and meaningful.

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