Table of Contents
Have you ever wondered what different types of containers are called? Learning English vocabulary for containers is useful in our daily lives! Do you want to know the names of common containers like bottles, boxes, or bags? Understanding these words will help you describe and categorize objects, organize your belongings, and communicate effectively in various situations. So, are you ready to dive into the world of containers and expand your vocabulary?
Kitchen and Dining
1. Bowl (noun) /boʊl/: A round, deep dish used for holding food, liquids, etc.
Example: He poured the cereal into a bowl and added milk.
2. Plate (noun) /pleɪt/: A flat dish from which food is eaten or served.
Example: She served dinner on a blue plate.
3. Mug (noun) /mʌɡ/: A large cup with a handle, usually used for hot beverages like coffee or tea.
Example: He enjoyed his morning coffee in his favorite mug.
4. Cup (noun) /kʌp/: A small round container, often with a handle, used for drinking.
Example: She drank a cup of tea to warm up.
5. Glass (noun) /ɡlɑːs/: A transparent container made from glass, typically used for drinking.
Example: He filled a glass with water.
6. Teapot (noun) /ˈtiːpɒt/: A container with a lid, spout, and handle, used for making and serving tea.
Example: She poured hot water into the teapot to steep the tea.
7. Saucepan (noun) /ˈsɔːspæn/: A deep, typically round pot with a long handle, used for cooking sauces or soups.
Example: He heated the soup in a saucepan on the stove.
8. Jar (noun) /dʒɑːr/: A cylindrical container with a wide mouth and lid, usually made of glass, for storing food.
Example: She stored homemade jam in a glass jar.
9. Can (noun) /kæn/: A typically cylindrical container for storing or transporting goods, especially food and liquids.
Example: He opened a can of soup for dinner.
10. Bottle (noun) /ˈbɒtl/: A container with a narrow neck, used for storing drinks or other liquids.
Example: She filled a bottle with water before her run.
11. Flask (noun) /flɑːsk/: A container, usually with a narrow neck, used for storing drinks.
Example: He brought a flask of coffee to keep him warm during the football game.
12. Thermos (noun) /ˈθɜːrmɒs/: A container that keeps drinks or food hot or cold by means of a vacuum between a double wall.
Example: She packed soup in a thermos for her child’s lunch.
Storage Containers
1. Box (noun) /bɒks/: A rectangular container, often with a lid, for storing or transporting things.
Example: He packed his clothes into a box for the move.
2. Crate (noun) /kreɪt/: A large shipping container, often made of wood, used to transport or store large or heavy items.
Example: The apples were delivered in a large wooden crate.
3. Chest (noun) /tʃɛst/: A large box with a lid, used for storage, especially for clothes and valuable items.
Example: She kept her grandmother’s quilts in an old wooden chest.
4. Case (noun) /keɪs/: A container designed to protect and hold items, often portable and made of plastic or metal.
Example: He placed his guitar gently into its hard case.
5. Bin (noun) /bɪn/: A container used for storing or holding items, often for waste or recycling.
Example: He threw the paper into the recycling bin.
6. Basket (noun) /ˈbɑːskɪt/: A container used to hold or carry things, typically made from interwoven strips of cane or wire.
Example: She carried fresh vegetables from the garden in a basket.
7. Bag (noun) /bæɡ/: A flexible container with an opening at the top, used for carrying things.
Example: He packed his lunch in a bag before leaving for work.
8. Pouch (noun) /paʊtʃ/: A small bag or pocket in which things can be carried.
Example: She kept her coins in a small leather pouch.
9. Barrel (noun) /ˈbærəl/: A large cylindrical container, usually made of wood, metal, or plastic, with flat ends and, typically, a curved middle.
Example: He stored the rainwater in a barrel in his backyard.
10. Drum (noun) /drʌm/: A cylindrical container with flat ends, typically used to store liquids or bulk materials.
Example: The oil was stored in a large metal drum.
11. Trunk (noun) /trʌŋk/: A large box, typically covered in leather, metal, or cloth, used for storing or transporting clothes and other personal belongings.
Example: She packed her clothes into the trunk for the long journey ahead.
12. Sack (noun) /sæk/: A bag made of paper or cloth, used for storing or carrying goods.
Example: He carried a sack of potatoes from the market.
Shipping and Packaging
1. Carton (noun) /ˈkɑːrtn/: A light box or container, typically one made of paper or cardboard, used to hold goods such as milk or eggs.
Example: She poured milk from the carton into her cereal.
2. Canister (noun) /ˈkanɪstər/: A small round or cylindrical container, typically one made of metal, used for storing such things as film, food, or medicine.
Example: He took the film out of the canister to develop the photos.
3. Envelope (noun) /ˈɛnvəloʊp/: A flat paper container with a sealable flap, used to enclose a letter or document.
Example: She sealed the letter in an envelope and mailed it.
4. Package (noun) /ˈpækɪdʒ/: A box or bag containing goods, wrapped or packed up, ready for transport or sending.
Example: The courier delivered the package to his doorstep.
5. Parcel (noun) /ˈpɑːrsəl/: An object or collection of objects wrapped in paper, to be carried or sent by mail.
Example: She wrapped the gift and sent it as a parcel to her friend.
6. Shipping Container (noun) /ˈʃɪpɪŋ kənˈteɪnər/: A large standard-sized metal box used for the storage and transportation of goods by ship, truck, or rail.
Example: The shipping container was loaded onto the freight train.
7. Pallet (noun) /ˈpælɪt/: A flat wooden or metal platform on which goods are stacked for transportation or storage.
Example: The warehouse worker stacked the boxes on the pallet.
8. Cylinder (noun) /ˈsɪlɪndər/: A solid geometric figure with straight parallel sides and a circular or oval cross section. In a practical context, it’s often a container in this shape.
Example: He filled the cylinder with gas for the camping trip.
9. Tube (noun) /tuːb/: A long, hollow cylinder, usually made of metal, plastic, or glass, used for holding or transporting something, typically liquids or gases.
Example: He squeezed the last of the toothpaste from the tube.
10. Baggage (noun) /ˈbæɡɪdʒ/: Personal belongings packed in suitcases or other containers for traveling.
Example: She packed her clothes and other personal items into her baggage for the flight.
Specialized Containers
1. Dumpster (noun) /ˈdʌmpstər/: A large, metal container for waste, typically one that is located outdoors.
Example: The restaurant staff took out the trash and put it in the dumpster at the back of the building.
2. Aquarium (noun) /əˈkweəriəm/: A transparent tank of water in which fish and other water-dwelling animals or plants are kept.
Example: She has a large aquarium in her living room filled with colorful fish.
3. Vase (noun) /vɑːz/: An open container, often used to hold cut flowers.
Example: He put the fresh flowers in the vase on the dining table.
4. Coffin (noun) /ˈkɔːfɪn/: A long, narrow box in which a dead body is buried or cremated.
Example: The coffin was carried by the pallbearers to the gravesite.
5. Capsule (noun) /ˈkæpsjuːl/: A small case or container, especially a round or cylindrical one.
Example: The medicine was enclosed in a small capsule that was easy to swallow.
6. Folder (noun) /ˈfoʊldər/: A flat storage area, such as a file folder, in which documents and papers can be kept in a safe and organized way.
Example: He filed the documents in the folder labeled “Taxes.”
7. File (noun) /faɪl/: A box or folder for holding loose papers, placed in order for future reference.
Example: She organized her notes into separate files for each client.
8. Tank (noun) /tæŋk/: A large, often metallic, container for holding or storing liquids or gases.
Example: The tank was filled with water for the fish to live in.
9. Reservoir (noun) /ˈrɛzərvwɑr/: A large natural or artificial place where water is stored for use.
Example: The city’s water supply comes from a reservoir in the nearby mountains.
10. Locker (noun) /ˈlɒkər/: A small, lockable storage compartment, often found in schools, gyms, and public places.
Example: After gym class, he put his clothes back in his locker.
Congratulations on expanding your English vocabulary for containers! Now you can confidently identify and describe different types of containers such as bottles, boxes, bags, and more. This knowledge will assist you in organizing items, shopping, packing, and discussing storage solutions. Remember to explore and practice using these words to become a skilled communicator and make your everyday tasks more manageable with the right containers!