Hi there, language learners! Today we are going to untangle a common English language puzzle: the difference between “East” and “Eastern“, “North” and “Northern“, and so on for the other cardinal directions. These words can be tricky, but once you understand the simple rule, you’ll never get confused again.
East /i:st/ and Eastern /ˈi:stərn/
East” is used as a noun or adverb, pointing to a direction on a compass. Eastern“, on the other hand, is an adjective that describes something related to or situated in the east.
Examples of East:
- The sun rises in the east. (The direction where the sun rises)
- We are heading east on our road trip. (The direction we are travelling)
- New York is on the east coast of the United States. (The location of New York)
- The east wind is blowing today. (The wind coming from the east)
- She moved to the east of the country. (The region of the country she moved to)
- Our cabin faces the east. (The direction our cabin faces)
- The storm is coming from the east. (The direction the storm is coming from)
- He has always loved the east. (The region or direction)
- Japan is known as “The Land of the Rising Sun” because it’s to the east. (The direction relative to the observer)
- Birds often migrate east for the winter. (The direction birds are flying)
Examples of Eastern:
- We are studying Eastern philosophy. (Philosophy originated from the east)
- She loves the Eastern coastline. (The coastline situated in the east)
- Eastern Europe has a rich history. (The part of Europe situated in the east)
- The Eastern seaboard is experiencing a heatwave. (The region along the eastern coast)
- He is an expert in Eastern medicine. (Medicine practiced in eastern cultures)
- The Eastern counties are expecting heavy rainfall. (Counties situated in the east)
- The company is expanding its Eastern operations. (Operations situated in the east)
- I love the architecture of Eastern temples. (Temples located in the east or influenced by eastern styles)
- The Eastern sky was lit with the colors of dawn. (Part of the sky above the east)
- The bird is native to the Eastern region. (Region situated in the east)
The same rule applies to “North” vs. “Northern“, “South” vs. “Southern“, and “West” vs. “Western“.
In conclusion, “East“, “North“, “South“, and “West” are used to point to a direction or place, while “Eastern“, “Northern“, “Southern“, and “Western” are adjectives that describe something related to or located in these directions. Understanding this small but significant difference can dramatically improve your English language skills!