Confused Words: Come Back, Go Back & Return

Confused Words - Come Back - Go Back - Return

Hello, language enthusiasts! Today, we’ll uncover the differences between the phrases come back, go back, and the word return. These words all point towards going back to a place, but are used in slightly different contexts. Ready to decode their unique uses? Let’s go!

Come Back

Starting with come back. “Come back” (IPA: /kʌm bæk/) is used when someone returns to the place where the speaker currently is or to the topic that was being discussed.

Here are 10 examples:

  1. I hope you come back soon. (I hope you return here)
  2. Please come back before dinner. (Please return here)
  3. We came back from vacation yesterday. (We returned here)
  4. She came back to the meeting topic after the break. (She returned to the topic)
  5. They come back to their hometown every summer. (They return here)
  6. When will you come back from your trip? (When will you return here?)
  7. I wish she would come back to this project. (I wish she would return)
  8. Let’s come back to this point later. (Let’s return to this point)
  9. He came back to the office after lunch. (He returned here)
  10. Can you come back tomorrow? (Can you return here?)

Go Back

Next up, go back. “Go back” (IPA: /goʊ bæk/) is used when someone returns to a place where the speaker is not currently.

Here are 10 examples:

  1. I want to go back to Italy. (I want to return to Italy)
  2. Can we go back to the hotel now? (Can we return there?)
  3. They had to go back to the store for more supplies. (They had to return there)
  4. She decided to go back to her previous job. (She decided to return)
  5. We can go back to that restaurant, the food was great. (We can return there)
  6. Let’s go back to the beginning of the story. (Let’s return to the start)
  7. I have to go back home and get my wallet. (I have to return home)
  8. We should go back to the park again tomorrow. (We should return there)
  9. He can’t go back to his country. (He can’t return there)
  10. I can’t wait to go back to the beach. (I can’t wait to return there)


Lastly, we have return. “Return” (IPA: /rɪˈtɜrn/) is a more formal term that can be used interchangeably with “come back” or “go back,” depending on the context.

Here are 10 examples:

  1. Please return the books to the library. (Please bring back the books)
  2. I have to return this dress, it doesn’t fit. (I have to take it back)
  3. We will return to our regular schedule next week. (We will go back)
  4. He decided to return to college. (He decided to go back)
  5. She will return from her trip tomorrow. (She will come back)
  6. I will return your call as soon as possible. (I will call back)
  7. The bird returns to the same tree every year. (The bird comes back)
  8. We returned home late last night. (We came back)
  9. They will return the stolen goods. (They will bring them back)
  10. We must return to the previous topic. (We must go back)


So, in a nutshell, while come back, go back, and return all refer to the act of going back to a place or topic, remember that “come back” is when someone returns to the place where the speaker currently is, “go back” when returning to a place where the speaker is not currently, and “return” is a more formal term that can refer to either.

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