8 Phrasal Verbs with PICK

English365plus.com - English Phrasal Verbs with PICK

Hi there, language adventurer! Today’s topic is all about “pick”, but not just any pick. We’re talking about phrasal verbs with PICK! You might be wondering, “Why should I learn about this?” Well, these phrasal verbs can make your English sound more natural and fluent. Plus, they’re used in all kinds of everyday situations. Pretty cool, right?

Now, let’s dive into our list:

1. Pick up: to lift something from a surface.
Example: Can you pick up the toys from the floor?

It can also refer to collecting someone or something.
Example: I need to pick up my sister from the airport.

2. Pick out: to choose something from a selection.
Example: She picked out a lovely dress for the party.

3. Pick on: to bully or unfairly target someone.
Example: It’s not nice to pick on your little brother.

4. Pick over: to carefully examine or look through something.
Example: She picked over the fruits at the market to find the ripest ones.

5. Pick at: to eat slowly and without much interest.
Example: He just picked at his dinner because he wasn’t hungry.

6. Pick through: to search carefully among things.
Example: The detectives picked through the evidence to find clues.

7. Pick apart: to criticize someone or something severely.
Example: The teacher picked apart his essay, leaving him feeling disheartened.

8. Pick off: to remove something, like picking fruit from a tree.
Example: She picked off the ripe apples from the tree.

It can also mean to shoot enemies one by one from a distance.
Example: The sniper picked off the targets from a hidden spot.

See how much more you can express with “pick”? It’s amazing how a little word like “pick” can pick up so much meaning when it hangs out with other words. Keep practicing these phrasal verbs and you’ll pick up English fluency in no time!

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