Hello to all you language enthusiasts! Do you ever think about how words can ‘hang’ together in English? Just like clothes on a hanger, words can also be grouped, especially in the world of English phrasal verbs. Did you know that by understanding the different ways the word ‘hang’ is used, you can greatly expand your vocabulary and conversational skills? Ready to find out more?
Let’s dive into the world of phrasal verbs involving the word ‘hang’.
1. Hang on: This phrasal verb has two meanings. The first one means to wait or hold the line, often used during phone conversations.
Example: Hang on a second, I’ll grab my notebook.
The second meaning is to grip tightly.
Example: Hang on to your hat – it’s windy outside!
2. Hang out: This phrasal verb also has two meanings. One meaning is to spend time somewhere casually or aimlessly.
Example: We used to hang out at the park after school.
The other meaning is to spend time with someone.
Example: I’m hanging out with my friends tonight.
3. Hang up: to describe ending a phone call.
Example: She was so upset that she hung up the phone.
4. Hang around: to stay or wait somewhere, often without any purpose.
Example: He was hanging around to see if she would arrive.
5. Hang back: to stay somewhere after everyone else has left, or to hesitate in taking action.
Example: She always hangs back to ask the teacher questions after class.
6. Hang over: to something unpleasant that remains from a past event.
Example: The argument they had still hangs over their relationship.
Understanding how to use these ‘hang’ phrasal verbs can truly bring your English conversations to life and make them more colorful. Now that you know these, you can easily hang out with English speakers and join in their conversations without feeling left out. So why hang back? Jump right in and start using these phrases!