Have you ever struggled to describe someone’s appearance in English? Picture this: you’re telling your friend about someone you’ve just met. You want to describe how they look, but you’re stumbling, using the same words over and over again. Sounds familiar? Fear not, dear learner! Knowing a set of particular phrases or collocations about physical appearance can make your descriptions more vivid and exciting. So, are you ready to spruce up your vocabulary and become a master in describing appearances?
Now, let’s explore together 29 must-know English collocations associated with physical appearance.
1. Broad shoulders: Having wide shoulders.
Example: He’s a swimmer and has broad shoulders.
2. Clear complexion: Having skin that is smooth and free from blemishes.
Example: Her clear complexion is absolutely stunning.
3. Dark hair: Having hair of a dark color.
Example: He has dark hair and bright blue eyes.
4. Deep-set eyes: Eyes that are deeply recessed into the face.
Example: Her deep-set eyes give her an intense look.
5. Full lips: Having lips that are large in a way that is attractive.
Example: She has full lips and high cheekbones.
6. High cheekbones: Cheekbones that are prominent and sit high on the face.
Example: Models often have high cheekbones.
7. Lean figure: Having a body shape that is thin and tall.
Example: He has a lean figure from running marathons.
8. Petite frame: A small, thin body structure.
Example: She has a petite frame, perfect for ballet.
9. Straight hair: Hair that is not curly or wavy.
Example: She has straight hair that falls to her shoulders.
10. Thick eyebrows: Eyebrows that are wide and full.
Example: His thick eyebrows are his most distinctive feature.
11. Twinkling eyes: Eyes that seem to sparkle or shine.
Example: Her twinkling eyes light up when she laughs.
12. Well-groomed beard: A beard that is neatly trimmed and cared for.
Example: He has a well-groomed beard that suits him well.
13. Rosy cheeks: Cheeks that have a pink or reddish tint.
Example: The cold weather gave her rosy cheeks.
14. Flat stomach: A stomach that is not rounded or fat.
Example: He maintains a flat stomach by going to the gym regularly.
15. Muscular arms: Arms that are strong and have a lot of muscles.
Example: His muscular arms are a result of weightlifting.
16. Slender waist: A waist that is thin in an attractive or elegant way.
Example: She has a slender waist and long legs.
17. Sun-tanned skin: Skin that has turned browner from being in the sun.
Example: After his vacation, he returned with sun-tanned skin.
18. Bald head: Having no hair on the head.
Example: He has a bald head, which he says makes him look distinguished.
19. Dimpled smile: A smile that makes small depressions appear in one’s cheek.
Example: Her dimpled smile is very charming.
20. Freckled face: A face that is covered with small, light brown spots.
Example: His freckled face gives him a youthful appearance.
21. Short stature: Being relatively small in height.
Example: Despite her short stature, she has a commanding presence.
22. Stocky build: Having a body that is wide and solid, often due to muscle.
Example: He has a stocky build, perfect for a rugby player.
23. Curly hair: Hair that forms into ringlets or curls naturally.
Example: Her curly hair bounces when she walks.
24. Pale skin: Having skin that is light in color.
Example: He has pale skin that burns easily in the sun.
25. Plump lips: Lips that are full and soft.
Example: Her plump lips are considered very attractive.
26. Sharp features: Facial features that are clearly defined or distinctive.
Example: With his sharp features, he could be a model.
27. Trimmed moustache: A moustache that is neatly cut and shaped.
Example: He has a neatly trimmed moustache that suits him well.
28. Long legs: Legs that are longer than average.
Example: Her long legs are an advantage as a runner.
29. Wavy hair: Hair that is not completely straight or curly, but somewhere in between.
Example: Her wavy hair looks beautiful when it’s loose.
There we go! By now, you have a rich palette of English collocations to describe physical appearances. The next time you want to paint a vivid picture of someone’s look, use these collocations! After all, learning English is not just about communicating effectively; it’s about expressing ourselves creatively.