27 Collocations Related to Advertising

English365plus.com - Collocations about Topic Advertising

Who can resist the allure of a catchy advertisement? We all know how impactful a well-phrased slogan or a captivating commercial can be. English has an array of fascinating phrases, or collocations, specifically used in the world of advertising. These expressions can make your understanding and discussion about advertising richer and more nuanced. Exciting, isn’t it? But, what are these phrases, and how are they used?

Without further ado, let’s dive into these 27 popular English collocations connected to advertising:

1. Catchy slogan: A memorable and impactful phrase used in advertising.
Example: Their catchy slogan helped them stand out in the market.

2. Target audience: A specific group of people for which the advertisement is designed.
Example: The ad campaign was designed keeping the target audience in mind.

3. Billboard advertising: A large outdoor board for displaying advertisements.
Example: The company spent a significant amount on billboard advertising.

4. Brand recognition: How well the public can identify a brand by its attributes.
Example: Their logo design increased their brand recognition.

5. Consumer awareness: The understanding by a consumer of their rights and duties.
Example: The campaign was designed to increase consumer awareness.

6. Ad campaign: An organized course of action to promote a product or service.
Example: Their ad campaign for the new product was very successful.

7. Product placement: The placement of branded goods or services within a production.
Example: The movie had obvious product placement from various brands.

8. Sales pitch: A line of talk to persuade someone to buy something.
Example: His sales pitch was convincing and well-presented.

9. Mass market: The market for goods that are produced in large quantities.
Example: The product was designed for the mass market.

10. Market research: The action of gathering information about consumer needs and preferences.
Example: They conducted extensive market research before launching the product.

11. Media exposure: The amount of time or space given to an event in newspapers or on television.
Example: The product gained a lot of media exposure.

12. Customer loyalty: The likelihood of previous customers continuing to buy from a specific organization.
Example: Their excellent customer service resulted in high customer loyalty.

13. Marketing strategy: A plan of action designed to promote and sell a product or service.
Example: Their marketing strategy was innovative and effective.

14. Competitive pricing: Setting the price of a product or service based on what the competition is charging.
Example: Competitive pricing helped them gain a foothold in the market.

15. Celebrity endorsement: Use of famous personalities to promote a product or service.
Example: The brand used celebrity endorsement to attract a younger audience.

16. Print media: The industry associated with the printing and distribution of news through newspapers and magazines.
Example: They invested heavily in print media.

17. Social media marketing: Use of social media platforms to connect with your audience to build your brand.
Example: Their social media marketing campaign was very successful.

18. Public relations: The professional maintenance of a favorable public image by a company.
Example: The company hired a new public relations team to handle their image.

19. Creative brief: A document used by creative professionals and agencies to develop creative deliverables.
Example: The creative brief outlined the objectives and targets of the campaign.

20. Direct marketing: The business of selling products or services directly to the public.
Example: They used a direct marketing approach to reach their customers.

21. Guerrilla marketing: Unconventional marketing intended to get maximum results from minimal resources.
Example: The startup used guerrilla marketing tactics to spread the word.

22. Market segmentation: The process of dividing a market of potential customers into groups, or segments.
Example: Market segmentation allowed them to cater to different customer needs.

23. Viral advertising: An advertising technique that uses pre-existing social networks to increase brand awareness.
Example: Their video went viral, leading to successful viral advertising.

24. Cold calling: Unsolicited calls made by a business to try to sell a product or service.
Example: The company used cold calling to increase their customer base.

25. Sales promotion: A short-term incentive to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or service.
Example: The sales promotion resulted in a sudden increase in sales.

26. Word of mouth: The passing of information in an informal, conversational way.
Example: Word of mouth played a key role in the success of their product.

27. Unique selling point (USP): The factor or benefit that makes a product different from and better than other similar products.
Example: The product’s USP was its innovative design.

And there you have it! A splash of advertising in your English conversation. Whether you’re pitching an idea, aiming to understand the nuances of a sales promotion, or just casually discussing the latest ad campaign, these phrases will add zest to your discussion. So next time, listen carefully to that catchy slogan or pay extra attention to that unique selling point, because now, you have the language tools to talk about them!

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