Howdy language explorers! Do you dream of traveling around the world? Exploring new places and cultures can be thrilling, right? But to make that dream even more enjoyable, it’s helpful to know certain English phrases that are often used when we talk about travel. Ever wondered how knowing these travel-related phrasal verbs could bring your English conversations to life? Let’s find out!
Without further ado, let’s embark on a journey through the most popular English phrasal verbs related to travel.
1. Set off: to start a journey.
Example: We set off for Paris early in the morning.
2. Check in: to register at a hotel or an airport.
Example: We need to check in at least two hours before the flight.
3. Take off: to an airplane leaving the ground.
Example: The plane took off on time.
4. Pick up: to collect something or someone, often in a vehicle.
Example: Can you pick up some souvenirs while you’re in Italy?
5. Get on: to enter a vehicle.
Example: I got on the bus at 9 AM.
6. Get off: to leave a vehicle.
Example: Get off at the next stop for the museum.
7. Drop off: to leave something or someone at a place.
Example: I’ll drop off my luggage at the hotel before we explore the city.
8. Look around: to explore a place by looking at its features.
Example: We looked around the old town this morning.
9. Stop over: to have a short stay in a place you are visiting while you are on a longer journey to somewhere else.
Example: We stopped over in Dubai on our way to Australia.
10. Check out: to leaving a hotel after paying and returning your keys.
Example: We need to check out by 11 AM.
11. Go abroad: to travel to a foreign country.
Example: I love to go abroad for my holidays.
12. Come back: to return to a place.
Example: I can’t wait to come back to Italy.
13. Hurry up: to do something more quickly.
Example: Hurry up or we’ll miss our flight!
14. Head for: to go in a particular direction.
Example: We’re heading for the coast.
15. Turn up: to arrive somewhere.
Example: The bus turned up late.
16. Hold up: to delaying someone.
Example: Sorry, I was held up in traffic.
17. Move on: to leave a place and travel to another.
Example: After two days in Paris, we moved on to Rome.
18. Set out: to start a journey.
Example: We set out for our road trip at dawn.
19. Run out: to use all of something and have no more left.
Example: We ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.
20. Get away: to escape from your usual environment.
Example: I need to get away for a while.
21. Catch up: to reach someone who is ahead by matching their speed.
Example: I’ll catch up with you at the entrance.
22. Go off: to leave a place and go somewhere else.
Example: He’s gone off to Europe somewhere.
23. Pass through: to travel through a place without stopping there for long.
Example: We passed through several small towns.
24. Pull over: to drive to the side of the road and stop your car.
Example: Let’s pull over and check the map.
25. Look forward to: to feel happy and excited about something that is going to happen.
Example: I’m looking forward to my trip to France.
Knowing these travel-related phrasal verbs can really come in handy when talking about your adventures or planning new ones. These phrases can bring your conversations to life and help you communicate more like a native speaker. So go ahead, pack your new knowledge with you, and set off on your next English-speaking adventure!