23 English Idioms Related to Forgiveness

English365plus.com - English Idioms Related to forgiveness

In life, we often stumble, make mistakes, and seek forgiveness. But have you ever considered how beautifully the English language captures the essence of forgiveness? In fact, there’s a rainbow of idioms coloring this universal human experience, giving voice to our deepest sentiments. As learners of English, it’s crucial to grasp these idioms not only to enrich our vocabulary but also to understand and express this profound aspect of human relationships.

Join me as we explore 23 diverse, popular idioms related to forgiveness:

1. Bury the hatchet: To make peace or reconcile after a disagreement.
Example: After years of rivalry, the two families decided to bury the hatchet.

2. Let bygones be bygones: To forgive or forget past disagreements.
Example: I know we’ve had our differences, but let’s let bygones be bygones.

3. Wipe the slate clean: To forget all past problems or mistakes and start again.
Example: She wiped the slate clean and gave him a second chance.

4. Mend fences: To improve or repair a relationship that has been damaged by an argument or disagreement.
Example: He’s been trying to mend fences ever since the argument.

5. Turn the other cheek: To ignore provocation or respond in a non-retaliatory way.
Example: When his friend insulted him, he decided to turn the other cheek.

6. Kiss and make up: To reconcile and forget a quarrel or disagreement.
Example: They had a huge fight, but they eventually kissed and made up.

7. Water under the bridge: Problems that someone has had in the past that they do not worry about because they are in the past.
Example: Let’s forget what happened. It’s all water under the bridge now.

8. Patch things up: To resolve a disagreement.
Example: They managed to patch things up after their argument.

9. Extend an olive branch: To make an offer for peace or reconciliation.
Example: After a year of silence, he extended an olive branch by sending her a letter.

10. Clear the air: To discuss a problem or difficult situation to make it better.
Example: They needed to clear the air after their last conversation ended on a bad note.

11. Forgive and forget: To forgive someone and also forget that the wrong they had done.
Example: He believes in the principle to forgive and forget.

12. Start with a clean sheet: To start again, ignoring the problems or mistakes of the past.
Example: They decided to start their relationship with a clean sheet.

13. Have a heart-to-heart: To have a sincere and open conversation.
Example: After their argument, they had a heart-to-heart and resolved their issues.

14. A clean bill of health: To state that something is free from problems or suspicion.
Example: After our conversation, our friendship had a clean bill of health.

15. Meet halfway: To compromise with someone.
Example: They managed to meet halfway and find a solution to their problem.

16. On the mend: Improving, especially after a disagreement or ill feeling.
Example: Their relationship is on the mend after they sorted out their differences.

17. Call a truce: To decide to stop arguing.
Example: They called a truce and promised to be more understanding in the future.

18. Sing from the same hymn sheet: To express the same opinions in public.
Example: After their reconciliation, they are now singing from the same hymn sheet.

19. Let sleeping dogs lie: To avoid bringing up old conflicts.
Example: They decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not discuss the incident again.

20. Keep one’s peace: To remain silent even when one wants to comment or object.
Example: He kept his peace, deciding not to bring up past grudges.

21. Fall into line: To conform to a rule or standard.
Example: After their disagreement, he decided to fall into line and apologized.

22. Kiss of peace: A symbol of forgiveness and reconciliation.
Example: She extended a kiss of peace, hoping to mend their relationship.

23. Take the high road: To choose the most mature, generous, or ethical response to a difficult situation.
Example: Despite the hurtful comments, she decided to take the high road and forgave him.

In conclusion, understanding and using these idioms will surely enrich your English language experience, adding a layer of depth and understanding to the beautiful concept of forgiveness. It’s fascinating to see how idioms bring color and life to language, isn’t it?

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