20 Phrasal Verbs with GIVE

English365plus.com - English Phrasal Verbs with Give

Hey there! Have you ever noticed how adding a little word after “give” can completely change what you’re trying to say? It’s the magic of English phrasal verbs with GIVE!These little language gems are used everywhere—in books, movies, chats, and daily conversations. They help us express so many different things using just one main verb: give. Are you excited to discover these magic words?

Let’s unwrap this wonderful bundle of phrasal verbs with GIVE:

1. Give away: to give something as a gift or present.
Example: He decided to give away his old books to the library.

2. Give back: To return something to someone.
Example: After reading the book, he gave it back to his friend.

3. Give in: To finally agree to something you initially resisted.
Example: After much persuasion, he gave in and agreed to go to the party.

4. Give off: To emit a smell, light, heat, or vibration.
Example: The flowers in the garden give off a sweet scent.

5. Give out: To distribute something to a group of people.
Example: They gave out free samples of the new product in the store.

6. Give up: To stop trying to do something.
Example: After many failed attempts, he gave up trying to solve the puzzle.

7. Give over: To stop doing something annoying.
Example: Give over! I’m trying to concentrate here.

8. Give on: To have a view or opening onto a place.
Example: The window gives on to a beautiful garden.

9. Give onto: Similar to give on, it means to lead to or have a view of a place.
Example: The doors give onto a sunny patio.

10. Give up on: To stop hoping or believing that something will happen.
Example: I gave up on waiting for him. He’s always late!

11. Give over to: To dedicate or devote time, effort, or oneself to something.
Example: She gave herself over to studying for the exam.

12. Give rise to: To cause something.
Example: The incident gave rise to many questions.

13. Give way to: To be replaced by something.
Example: Traditional methods have given way to more modern techniques.

14. Give forth: To emit or release something.
Example: The oven gave forth a warm, delicious smell of baking bread.

15. Give it up for: To applaud or cheer for someone.
Example: Let’s give it up for our wonderful host tonight!

16. Give as good as one gets: To retaliate; to treat someone the way they treated you.
Example: He’s no pushover; he can give as good as he gets.

17. Give the game away: To spoil a surprise or secret by accidentally revealing it.
Example: Be quiet! Don’t give the game away.

18. Give a hand: To help someone.
Example: Can you give me a hand with these bags?

19. Give birth to: To create, produce, or bring into existence.
Example: She gave birth to a beautiful idea that revolutionized the business.

20. Give the green light: To give permission to proceed with a project.
Example: The boss gave the green light to our proposal.

Congratulations on mastering these phrasal verbs with GIVE! Remember, they are your friends, helping you express exactly what you mean. Practice using them, and soon, they’ll become second nature. Keep discovering the magic of English!

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