Hi there, fellow language learners! Have you ever listened to English speakers and wondered about some phrases they use that don’t quite make sense if you translate them directly? Those are probably phrasal verbs you’re hearing, my friends! Today, we’re going to take a look at phrasal verbs with TURN. Phrasal verbs give your English a more natural and fluent sound and are a super helpful tool when it comes to everyday conversations, reading, and even writing. Curious about how to use them? Let’s turn our attention to them now!
And here we go:
1. Turn on: to start or activate something.
Example: Can you turn on the light, please?
2. Turn off: to stop or deactivate something.
Example: Please turn off your cell phones during the movie.
3. Turn up: to arrive unexpectedly or to increase the volume.
Example: I was surprised when she turned up at my party.
4. Turn down: to refuse or to decrease the volume.
Example: I had to turn down his offer due to my prior commitments.
5. Turn over: to flip something or to give control or possession of something to someone else.
Example: He turned over the car keys to his son.
6. Turn around: to change direction or position.
Example: When I heard my name, I turned around.
7. Turn out: to develop or end in a particular way.
Example: The cake turned out to be delicious.
8. Turn into: to change or transform into something else.
Example: The caterpillar turns into a beautiful butterfly.
9. Turn back: to stop and return to the starting point.
Example: We had to turn back because of the bad weather.
10. Turn aside: to move out of the way.
Example: He turned aside to let her pass.
11. urn away: to reject or refuse.
Example: The restaurant had to turn away customers because it was full.
12. Turn in: to submit or give something to someone.
Example: I turned in my assignment before the deadline.
You see, phrasal verbs with TURN are quite fascinating, aren’t they? Remember, practice is key. Try using them in your everyday English and soon you’ll be using them just like native speakers do! Understanding and using phrasal verbs can make your English sound more natural and fluent. Keep turning pages of your English learning book and keep turning up your enthusiasm. Happy learning!